Webinars & Presentations

CanVasc webinars and presentations

Here are some of the webinars held by CanVasc and a few presentations given by CanVasc members during past meetings (sometimes modified and shortened, in order to respect confidentiality and not to disseminate unpublished results that have been presented orally at the meeting).


May 2024 webinar "Tools for Improving the Diagnosis of GCA" with Dr. JP Makhzoum, Dr. M Junek, Dr. M Seidman

Mar 2024 webinar "Recommendations for the Management of EGPA" with Dr A Vaglio, Dr Christian Pagnoux

  • Mar 14, 2024 1:00-2:00pm EDT
  • View here - (no password required)

Dec 2023 webinar "Vasculitis Updates from ACR and the ASN" with Dr. B Barr, Dr. S Garner, Dr. L Barra.

May 2023 webinar CSN AGM "Best Practices in ANCA-Associated Vasculitis from a Multidisciplinary Team Perspective" with Dr. L Girard, Dr. JP Makhzoum, Dr. C Pagnoux

February 2023 webinar "Update from the French Vasculitis Study Group" with Dr. Benjamin Terrier

October 2022 webinar on EULAR Vasculitis Guidelines organized by CanVasc with Drs B Hellmich and L Barra

September 2022 webinar on ANCA Vasculitis, Management, and Serial ANCA Measurements organized by CanVasc with Drs J Tervaert and L Barra

June 2022 webinar on Updates from ANCA Workshop 2022 organized, by CanVasc with Drs. C Pagnoux, M Junek and N Dehghan

January 2022 webinar on EGPA and new treatment approaches, organized by CanVasc with Drs. N P Nair and N Khalidi

December 2021 webinar on PLEX and steroids in ANCA vasculitis, organized by CanVasc with Drs. M Walsh and A Mendel

November 2021 webinar on the treatment of renal ANCA vasculitis, organized by CanVasc with Drs. L. Barra and C Pagnoux

October 2021 webinar on New approaches to ANCA vasculitis, organized by CanVasc with Drs. S McAdoo and C Pagnoux

  • View here- S McAdoo (password Stephen123! )

June 2021 webinar on ANCA vasculitis recommendations from CanVasc, organized by CanVasc with Drs. A Mendel and N Khalidi

  • View here- A Mendel and N Khalidi (password Mendel123! )

April 2021 webinar on GCA, organized by CanVasc with Dr. JH Stone (moderator C. Pagnoux, panelists: Drs. Makhzoum, Khalidi, Clifford and Barra)

October 2020 webinar on Behcet's syndrome, organized by CanVasc with Dr. Y. Yazici (moderator C. Pagnoux)


2014 CanVasc meeting (October 2014)

November 2012, Annual CanVasc Meeting - Montreal (SHORTENED versions of some presentations)

First (2011) Annual CanVasc meeting